14 Jun How Critical is Performance Testing?
Industrial Solar Systems Performance Testing
PVAMPS | Commercial and Industrial Solar + Storage assets
Technical Development | Design | Plan Review |Performance Testing | Troubleshooting Optimizing Services
PHONE: +1 (916) 476-3560
How Critical is Performance Testing?
Performance testing is often critical to prove the system performs as expected before the owner will make final payment and commercial operation is obtained. We prefer to start at the beginning to set up the contracts, performance test methodology and planning process, to ensure the contract language is fair and equitable.
The PV AMPS team has led gigawatts of assets through this critical process. We work with your team using a transparent and collaborative process to identify & minimize risks. We provide leadership to project stakeholders in the review of contract language, creation of test models, planning, validation, and installation of the DAS and MET systems, creation of the performance test tools, manage data processing, and create the reports to summarize results.
Depending on project size and funding/contract requirements, the performance test can be as simple as a performance ratio test or as rigorous as ASTM E2848-13. We prefer using unmodified standards based tests like ASTM E2848-13 to keep portfolios using the same standard and to have an industry wide, vetted methodology, that is fair to all parties.
Connect with our team to see how we can help you though your next performance test.