(RE) HABILITATION - PV AMPS | Commercial and Utility Scale Renewable Energy Engineers
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As solar power assets age, the equipment can break and degrade, operation contracts expire and systems fall under their performance goals. We investigate the current conditions and create an assessment report with recommendations to rehabilitate the site and work up design options to repair or upgrade the asset.


We begin by obtaining and analyzing available operational data and as-built drawings to identify areas of interest and concern. Depending on what is found, we perform an on-site investigation to document the conditions of the racking, wires, modules, inverter and Data Acquisition System. Our findings are then compiled into one clean report with an overview of what was found and options on how to (RE) Habilitate your projects.


Contact us to evaluate your operational assets.

What is Not Working?

How to Improve Production?

Design and Repower Options

How Can PV AMPS Help?